Introduction time…

Hello and welcome to my blog of real smiles. Perhaps nobody is reading this, however if there is the slightest chance somebody out there is, I will do my best to give the most compforting, reasuring and helpful advice in my power. I decided to make this blog for several reasons, one being because I wanted to help others and two because I  have suffered from depression and anxiety for a long time. I wanted to express myself and give others advice and coping stratagies I have learnt over the long period of time I have dealt with such horrible illnesses.

I plan to take this blog and make it my own. I will use my own advice and awnser any questions you may have. I will be posting as much as possible and will do my best to spread positivity.

I would quickly like to add that I am not a specialist but if you are concerned that you are developing a mental disorder feel free to ask and I will give suggestions and possible conditions, although it’s always good to visit a doctor if you are able to.

I can’t wait to begin this journey and remember that you don’t need an illness to be here…perhaps your worried about yourself or a loved one or maybe you are simply curious.  Thank you for reading and I hope to have some new posts soon xx

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